Dr. Lei Wu is an Associate Professor in both the College of Computer Science and Technology and the School of Cyber Science and Technology at Zhejiang University, as well as the Co-Founder of BlockSec. His research interests primarily focus on security areas such as blockchain security and system security. He received his Ph.D. degree from North Carolina State University in 2015, under the guidance of Prof. Xuxian Jiang. From 2015 to 2017, he worked as a senior security researcher at Qihoo 360. Following this, he co-founded a blockchain startup company and has been focused on blockchain security ever since.

Selected Recent Publications (Since 2020)


SIGMETRICS Piecing Together the Jigsaw Puzzle of Transactions on Heterogeneous Blockchain Networks [Paper]
Xiaohui Hu, Hang Feng, Pengcheng Xia, Gareth Tyson, Lei Wu, Yajin Zhou, Haoyu Wang
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS 2025 (SIGMETRICS 2025)

SIGMETRICS Towards Understanding and Analyzing Instant Cryptocurrency Exchanges [Paper]
Yufeng Hu, Yingshi Sun, Lei Wu*, Yajin Zhou, Rui Chang
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS 2025 (SIGMETRICS 2025)

NDSS Dissecting Payload-based Transaction Phishing on Ethereum [Paper]
Zhuo Chen, Yufeng Hu, Bowen He, Dong Luo, Lei Wu, Yajin Zhou
Proceedings of the 2025 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2025)

EuroSys ParallelEVM: Operation-Level Concurrent Transaction Execution for EVM-Compatible Blockchains [Paper]
Haoran Lin, Hang Feng, Yajin Zhou, Lei Wu
Proceedings of the 2025 EuroSys (EuroSys 2025)


CCS Toss a Fault to BpfChecker: Revealing Implementation Flaws for eBPF runtimes with Differential Fuzzing [Paper]
Chaoyuan Peng, Muhui Jiang, Lei Wu, Yajin Zhou
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2024)

TDSC MFGSCOPE: A Lightweight Framework for Efficient Graph-based Analysis on Blockchain [Paper]
Yufeng Hu, Yingshi Sun, Yuan Chen, Zhuo Chen, Bowen He, Lei Wu*, Yajin Zhou, Rui Chang
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC)

ATC SlimArchive: A Lightweight Architecture for Ethereum Archive Nodes [Paper]
Hang Feng, Yufeng Hu, Yinghan Kou, Runhuai Li, Jianfeng Zhu, Lei Wu, Yajin Zhou
Proceedings of The 2024 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC 2024)

WWW Unveiling the Paradox of NFT Prosperity [[Paper]
Jintao Huang, Pengcheng Xia, Jiefeng Li, Kai Ma, Gareth Tyson, Xiapu Luo, Lei Wu, Yajin Zhou, Wei Cai, Haoyu Wang
The Web Conference 2024 (WWW 2024)

TOMPECS VM Matters: A Comparison of WASM VMs and EVMs in the Performance of Blockchain Smart Contracts [Paper]
Yixuan Zhang, Shuyu Zheng, Haoyu Wang, Lei Wu, Gang Huang, Xuanzhe Liu
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (TOMPECS)

TDSC DeFiRanger: Detecting DeFi Price Manipulation Attacks [Paper]
Siwei Wu, Zhou Yu, Dabao Wang, Yajin Zhou, Lei Wu, Haoyu Wang, Xingliang Yuan
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC)


TDSC Lifting The Gray Curtain: Analyzing the Ecosystem of Android Scam Apps [Paper]
Zhuo Chen, Lei Wu*, Yubo Hu, Jing Cheng, Yufeng Hu, Yajin Zhou, Zhushou Tang, Yexuan Chen, Jinku Li, and Kui Ren
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC)

CCS TxPhishScope: Towards Detecting and Understanding Transaction-based Phishing on Ethereum [Paper]
Bowen He, Yuan Chen, Zhuo Chen, Xiaohui Hu, Yufeng Hu, Lei Wu, Rui Chang, Haoyu Wang, Yajin Zhou
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2023)

TDSC An Empirical Study on the Insecurity of End-of-Life (EoL) IoT Devices [Paper]
Dingding Wang, Muhui Jiang, Rui Chang, Yajin Zhou, Hexiang Wang, Baolei Hou, Lei Wu, Xiapu Luo
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC)

TSE Demystifying Random Number in Ethereum Smart Contract: Taxonomy, Vulnerability Identification, and Attack Detection [Paper]
Peng Qian, Jianting He, Lingling Lu, Siwei Wu, Zhipeng Lu, Lei Wu, Yajin Zhou, Qinming He
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (IEEE TSE)

ISSTA Detecting Underground Economy Apps Based on UTG Similarity [Paper]
Zhuo Chen, Jie Liu, Yubo Hu, Lei Wu*, Yajin Zhou, Yiling He, Xianhao Liao, Ke Wang, Jinku Li, Zhan Qin
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2023)

S&P When Top-down Meets Bottom-up: Detecting and Exploiting Use-After-Cleanup Bugs in Linux Kernel [Paper]
Lin Ma, Duoming Zhou, Hanjie Wu, Yajin Zhou, Rui Chang, Hao Xiong, Lei Wu, Kui Ren
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2023 (IEEE S&P 2023)


RAID Penny Wise and Pound Foolish: Quantifying the Risk of Unlimited Approval of ERC20 Tokens on Ethereum [Paper]
Dabao Wang, Hang Feng, Siwei Wu, Yajin Zhou, Lei Wu*, Xingliang Yuan
Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2022)

ISSTA WASAI: Uncovering Vulnerabilities in Wasm Smart Contracts [Paper]
Weimin Chen, Zihan Sun, Haoyu Wang, Xiapu Luo, Haipeng Cai, Lei Wu
Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2022)

DAC RegVault: Hardware Assisted Selective Data Randomization for Operating System Kernels [Paper]
Jinyan Xu, Haoran Lin, Ziqi Yuan, Wenbo Shen, Yajin Zhou, Rui Chang, Lei Wu, Kui Ren
Proceedings of the 59th The Design Automation Conference (DAC 2022)

TDSC MsDroid: Identifying Malicious Snippets for Android Malware Detection [Paper]
Yiling He, Yiping Liu, Lei Wu, Ziqi Yang, Kui Ren, Zhan Qin
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC)

TOSEM Time-Travel Investigation: Towards Building A Scalable Attack Detection Framework on Ethereum [Paper]
Siwei Wu, Lei Wu, Yajin Zhou, Runhuai Li, Zhi Wang, Xiapu Luo, Cong Wang, Kui Ren
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (ACM TOSEM)

ASPLOS EXAMINER: Automatically Locating Inconsistent Instructions between Real Devices and CPU Emulators for ARM [Paper]
Muhui Jiang, Tianyi Xu, Yajin Zhou, Yufeng Hu, Ming Zhong, Lei Wu, Xiapu Luo, Kui Ren
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2022)


TDSC EnBinDiff: Identifying Data-only Patches for Binaries [Paper]
Jian Lin, Dingding Wang, Rui Chang, Lei Wu, Yajin Zhou, Kui Ren
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC)

CCS ECMO: Peripheral Transplantation to Rehost Embedded Linux Kernels [Paper]
Muhui Jiang, Lin Ma, Yajin Zhou, Qiang Liu, Cen Zhang, Zhi Wang, Xiapu Luo, Lei Wu, Kui Ren
Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2021)

ASE FirmGuide: Boosting the Capability of Rehosting Embedded Linux Kernels through Model-Guided Kernel Execution [Paper]
Qiang Liu^, Cen Zhang^, Lin Ma, Muhui Jiang, Yajin Zhou, Lei Wu*, Wenbo Shen, Xiapu Luo, Yang Liu, Kui Ren
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering(ASE 2021)
(^The names of the first two authors are in alphabetical order)

SBC Towards A First Step to Understand Flash Loan and Its Applications in DeFi Ecosystem [Paper]
Dabao Wang, Siwei Wu, Ziling Lin, Lei Wu, Xingliang Yuan, Yajin Zhou, Haoyu Wang, Kui Ren
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Security in Blockchain and Cloud Computing (SBC 2021)

USENIX Security EOSAFE: Security Analysis of EOSIO Smart Contracts [Paper]
Ningyu He, Ruiyi Zhang, Haoyu Wang*, Lei Wu*, Xiapu Luo, Yao Guo*, Ting Yu, Xuxian Jiang
Proceedings of the 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 2021)

WWW Towards Understanding and Demystifying Bitcoin Mixing Services [[Paper] | Data Set]
Lei Wu, Yufeng Hu, Yajin Zhou, Haoyu Wang, Xiapu Luo, Zhi Wang, Fan Zhang, Kui Ren
The Web Conference 2021 (WWW 2021)

SIGMETRICS SADPonzi: Detecting and Characterizing Ponzi Schemes in Ethereum Smart Contracts [Paper]
Weimin Chen, Xinran Li, Yuting Sui, Ningyu He, Haoyu Wang, Lei Wu, and Xiapu Luo
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS 2021 (SIGMETRICS 2021)


eCrime Don't Fish in Troubled Waters! Characterizing Coronavirus-themed Cryptocurrency Scams [Paper]
Pengcheng Xia, Haoyu Wang, Xiapu Luo, Lei Wu, Yajin Zhou, Guangdong Bai, Guoai Xu, Gang Huang, Xuanzhe Liu
APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime), 2020

ICECCS DEPOSafe: Demystifying the Fake Deposit Vulnerability in Ethereum Smart Contracts [Paper]
Ru Ji, Ningyu He, Lei Wu, Haoyu Wang, Guangdong Bai and Yao Guo
The 25th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS), 2020

SIGMETRICS Understanding (Mis)Behavior on the EOSIO Blockchain [Paper]
Yuheng Huang, Haoyu Wang*, Lei Wu*, Gareth Tyson, Xiapu Luo, Run Zhang, Xuanzhe Liu, Gang Huang, Xuxian Jiang
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS 2020 (SIGMETRICS 2020)

WWW Mobile App Squatting [Paper]
Yangyu Hu, Haoyu Wang, Ren He, Li Li, Gareth Tyson, Ignacio Castro, Yao Guo, Lei Wu, Guoai Xu
The Web Conference 2020 (WWW 2020). Best Student Paper Award.

FC Characterizing Code Clones in the Ethereum Smart Contract Ecosystem [Paper]
Ningyu He, Lei Wu, Haoyu Wang, Yao Guo, Xuxian Jiang
The 24th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC), 2020

TPC Member